The research activities in the Agriculture and Plant Biotechnology group has two main focal domains :
I- Increase the agriculture productivity in the Palestinian crops with involvment of engineering and biotechnology
II- Conservation and utilization of Palestinian wild plants with attention to the medicinally important plants
Dr. Rami Arafeh, group leader
Mr. Zaid Altaradeh, lab. technician
Ms. Faten Al-Amleh
Ms. Danya Tahboub
Mr. Muath Manasrah
Ms. Haneyyeh Aljubeh
Ms. Lina Shawar
Ms. Rawan Zghayyer
Ms. Bushra Sharabati
- Studying genetic polymorphism within comoon grape varieties in Palestine
- Enhancing grape productivity by genetic barcoding of
- Genetic transformation of landrace cauliflower
- Production of secondary metabolites from Urginea maritima
- Genetic Variation in Damaged Populations of Pistacia atlantica Desf
- Antioxidants in the prevention and treatment of cancer
- Computerized Extraction of Morphological and Geometrical Features for Plants with Compound Leaves