Assistant professor, Center Director
Abu-Rumman Campus - 4Th Floor - Room 406
Tel : + 972-2-2235505 Ext: 137
Fax :+ 972-2-2231921
Research Interests:
- My research and teaching interests are focused on plant molecular biogeography, molecular ecology, and conservation genetics with an emphasis on endangered plants in the east Mediterranean region. Moreover, the micropropagation of endangered underutilized plants in the Palestinian Territories is another research interest.
Research Projects:
- In Vitro Culture and Micropropagation of Pistacia palaestina Boiss.
- The Use of Alternative Constituents in the Media Used in Micropropagation of Ocimum basilicum L.
- Conservation genetics of the endangered Royal Irises (Iris sec. Oncocyclous) in Palestine.
- Genetic Documintation of the Local Crops in Palestine
- Voigt, F. A., Arafeh, R., Griebeler, E. M. and Böhning-Gaese, K. (In Press) Does seed dispersal matter? – Comparative population genetics of two congeneric tropical trees. J. Biogeography.
- Naim Iraki, Omar Dar-Issa, Basma Sandouka, Michael Sansour, Rami Arafeh, Amani Abu-Sa’da, and Nida’ Salah. 2007. The Development of Agricultural Biotechnology Capacities in Palestine through the UNESCO Biotechnology Educational and Training Center at Bethlehem University. In: Z. Xu et al. (eds.), Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and Beyond, 487–490. Springer Books.
- Arafeh, R. and Kadereit, J. W. 2006. Long-distance seed dispersal, clone longevity and lack of phylogeographic structure in the European distribution range of the coastal Calystegia soldanella (L.) R. Br. (Convolvulaceae). J. of Biogeography. 33:1462-1469.
- Kadereit, J. W., Arafeh, R., Somogyi, G. and Westberg, E. 2005. Terrestrial growth and marine dispersal? Comparative phylogeography of five coastal plant species at a European scale. Taxon. 54: 861-876.
- Arafeh, R., Mahmoud M. S., and Shibli, R. A. 2003. In Vitro seed propagation of wild Syrian marjoram (Origanum syriacum L.). Adv. Hort. Sci. 17: 241-244.
- Arafeh, R., Y. Sapir, A. Shmida, N. Iraki, O. Fragman, and H. P. Comes. 2002. Patterns of genetic and phenotypic variation in IrisIris haynie and I. atrofusca ( sec. Oncocyclus = the royal irises) along an ecogeographical gradient in Israel and the West Bank. Molecular Ecology. 11:39-53.